Mechanic Glen Huntly
Braketech is an auto repair shop that offers car service and repairs to imported and domestic vehicles of all makes and models across Glen Huntly. We have certified car mechanics with skills and experience to repair your vehicle efficiently. We are committed to offering high-quality car services to ensure our customers are fully satisfied. Some of the services we offer include:
Tyre Fitting & Repairs Glen Huntly
Low-quality tires can wear out quickly or burst when exposed to slight pressure. We have a wide range of affordable, high-quality tires that will keep you on the road for an extended period with no unfortunate incidents. Our team of great mechanics at Braketech can advise you about the right car tires to buy for your vehicle.
Air Conditioning Regas & Service Glen Huntly
Among the services that put Braketech as the leading repair centre in the Glen Huntly suburb is our Air Conditioning service. When the AC pressure reduces because of wear and tear, it may cause inefficient performance. We offer aircon services such as replacing filters, cleaning the condenser, and regassing for your car air conditioners in Glen Huntly at affordable prices.
Roadworthy Certificate Glen Huntly
When you are transferring your vehicle ownership, you have to provide a roadworthy certificate to prove that the vehicle is in good condition. We are licensed and certified to perform thorough vehicle inspection and issue a roadworthy certificate. We can inspect all your vehicle components to ensure that they are in good condition before we grant you the roadworthy certificate.
Battery Replacement Glen Huntly
Car batteries give warning of their impending death with signs such as dim headlights or reluctance to start. If you ignore these signs, you might find yourself in a devastating state. We stock our auto parts shop with the best and affordable car batteries that can serve you for an extended period. Our highly trained car mechanics have competent skills to perform battery replacement swiftly and professionally.
Brake and Clutch Repairs Glen Huntly
Braketech is your Brake Specialists in Melbourne. Our car mechanics have extensive experience in performing brake and clutch repairs for all makes and models of cars. As your vehicle ages, the clutch and brake systems can wear out if not serviced regularly. We can inspect your clutch and brakes for consistency, and if there is any inconsistency, we will notify you. Once we identify the problem, we will perform the required brake service and repairs.
Braketech is ready to meet your all your car repair and car service needs if you live in Glen Huntly and surrounding suburbs. Contact us at 03 9568 1000 for more information today!