Engine Rebuild2020-07-29T07:19:01+00:00

Engine Rebuild Melbourne

Each type of vehicle has a different type of engine control mechanism. Fortunately our Melbourne based Braketech car repair technicians are trained to rebuild and replace engines of all types as our skilled mechanic crews are trained to diagnose issues pertaining to:

• Electrical system
• Emissions
• Fuel injection system
• Restraint systems
• Anti-lock brake system
• Ignition system

Additionally if your vehicle is experiencing any type of engine problem such as constant dashboard warning lights, poor fuel economy, you should undoubtedly bring them at Braketech’s modern repair center. As we closely work concentrating on the below mentioned work chart:

Engine Rebuilding Service Includes:

• Disassembly: Initially your engine is disassembled down to bare parts.
• Secondly you will be contacted by our sales staff with a complete quote including parts, coatings, furnishings and additional repairs.
• Thirdly, only if there is a green signal wave from our customers, these parts and assemblies are then cleaned and evaluated for repair, machining, or replacement.
• Fourthly spare parts are machined, bored and modified to exact tolerances,
• Fifth and final-reassembly is done as per the specifications quote and approval; lastly it is been shipped back for the installation and tuning so that you may receive an uninterrupted mileage for miles.

Thus, if your engine has stopped performing and you are unsure whether engine rebuilding or replacing is required we can help to make a conclusion as we perform thorough inspection along with appropriate recommendation.

Engine Rebuild
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